Dedicated page on OUFC stadium developments with OCC OCC - Oxford United Stadium
GWEPC response is here: GWEPC objection response too stadium plans-- June 2024 and Response to scoping report October 2024 - Latest planning application (December 2024) here: OUFC Planning Application Dec 2024 and objection to REF 24/00539/F - February 2025 here: GWEPC objection Feb 2025
Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council (GWEPC), following consultation with parishioners, objects to the planning application for the Oxford United Football Club (OUFC) Stadium. Whilst the design of the stadium appears to be to a suitable standard, it is the impact on the surrounding area which is our primary concern. Although the stadium itself is not located in our parish, it does however have a major impact on our community. See response above.
Application Ref: 24/00539/F has been received with Cherwell District Council
Location: Land To The East Of Stratfield Brake And West Of Oxford Parkway Railway Station, Oxford Road, Kidlington
Proposal: Erection of a stadium (Use Class F2) with flexible commercial and community facilities and uses including for conferences, exhibitions, education, and other events, club shop, public restaurant, bar, health and wellbeing facility/clinic, and gym (Use Class E/Sui Generis), hotel (Use Class C1), external concourse/fan-zone, car and cycle parking, access and highway works, utilities, public realm, landscaping and all associated and ancillary works and structures.
Gosford and Water Eaton Parish Council (GWEPC), following consultation with parishioners, objects to the planning application for the Oxford United Football Club (OUFC) Stadium. Whilst the design of the stadium appears to be to a suitable standard, it is the impact on the surrounding area which is our primary concern. Although the stadium itself is not located in our parish, it does however have a major impact on our community.
Local Plan: Gosford and Water Eaton has submitted a response to the local plan. Our response is here: Local Plan response Autumn 2023
Houses: PR7a/ Hills Development has submitted its planning request to CDC for dwellings within the parish. As a council we have commented regarding the flats as they are out of keeping with the area and we have concerns over the height of the development.
PR6a/Bellway Homes Development This development has grown from 600 houses to 800 houses.
You can read more about our proposals by visiting Cherwell District Council’s website where the application is available to view. As this is an outline application, more detailed aspects of the site’s design will be decided at a later stage during Reserved Matters applications.